Berhanu  Aragie

Berhanu Aragie

Physics - Lecturer

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P: 0968080043

           Biography: -

Born on May 17, 1974 at Huruta, Ethiopia.  Went to Dixis state farm elementary school at the age of six. Attend secondary school education at Huruta secondary school. Attend bachelor degree program at Addis Ababa University from September, 1993 to July, 1997. Employed as a Physics teacher in different schools at Bale zone, Oromya region, Ethiopia. Attained graduate program Study again at Addis Ababa University Department of Physics with specialization on Statistical Physics.  Employed as a Physics instructor at Jimma University from September, 2004, to August 2017. Worked at Addis Ababa University Statistical and Computational laboratory as a collaborate researcher. Then from September 2013 to April 2016 attend PhD program at University of Kwazulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. From August, 2017 is staff at Physics department Wolkite University, Ethiopia.

Deliver many Physics and related courses to undergraduate physics students at Jimma University and now here in Wolkite University. 

Research interest:-



Research area

Detail explanation



Molecular dynamics simulation (Lennard-Jones Fluid, Hard sphere collision and polymer)


Computational Physics

Monte-Carlo Simulation (Metropolis and Gillespie algorithm), Numerical simulation of stochastic process, Molecular Motors.


Journal publication


  1. Giuseppe Pellicane, Mesfin Tsige and Berhanu Aragie, Thermodynamics of a stochastic three level elevator model, European Physical Journal B 88:307 (2015)

Web site:

  1. Berhanu Aragie, Mesfin Asfaw, Lemi Demeyu and Mulugeta Bekele, Impurity diffusion in a harmonic potential and nonhomogeneous temperature, European Physical Journal B 87: 214 (2014)

Web site:

  1. Berhanu Aragie, Stochastic resonance of charge carrier diffusion in a nonhomogeneous medium in the presence of an harmonic external potential, International Journal of Modern Physics. B, 28, 1550011 (2014)

Web Site: › ... › Available Issues › Volume 28, Issue 29

  1. Berhanu Aragie, Yergou B. Tatek and Mulugeta Bekele, Stochastic resonance of charge carriers diffusing in a nonhomogeneous medium with nonhomogeneous temperature, European Physical Journal B 87: 101 (2014) (This article has an erratum)

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  1. Mesfin Asfaw, Berhanu Aragie and Mulugeta Bekele, Noise-created bistability and stochastic resonance of impurities diffusing in a semiconductor layer, European Physical Journal B 79, 371 (2011)

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