Department of Information Technology is one of the oldest departments in Wolkite University. It was established with 3 academic staffs and 34 undergraduate students during the establishment of the university in 2011/12. Currently the department has a total of 36 staffs and 350 undergraduate students.
Information Technology (IT) is an enormously vibrant field that emerged at the end of the last century as our society experienced a fundamental change from an industrial society to an information/knowledge society. From its inception just half a century ago, IT has become the defining technology of our age, changing how we live and work.
IT is among the most challenging and exciting areas of research and development. The essence of IT is to provide both practical tools for innovation and principles behind creative model building.
IT professionals have assumed the leading role in driving the evolution of information technology by being able to effectively construct new software to meet the need of the society. They also play a pivotal role in synthesizing advancing research and development arising from multiple disciplines.
The program is designed partly due to the global demand of IT professionals and also in response to the ICT policy of the country. One of the strategic focuses of the ICT policy of Ethiopia is human resource development which can execute the policy. Universities recognized the importance of Information Technology, the need to offer quality education aimed at understanding this field, and the practical application of IT knowledge.
Mission of the Department
The Department of Information Technology educates professional practitioners and managers of information technology, accelerates information technology transfer to business and industry, and develops innovations in the application of emerging information technology through learning, engagement, and discovery by its faculty and students.
The Department of Information Technology believes that the field is fascinating, challenging but rewarding. Thus, the department aims at preparing students to empower them to face the challenge of the field in the society and to enable them reap the fruit of globalization through extensive practical work. In particular, the followings are the specific objectives of the department:
Department of Information Technology aspires to have commitment to ethical conducts.
Expansion Strategies
Information Technology, as one of the computing fields, started in response to practical, everyday needs of organizations. It is obvious that there has been demand from potential employers in the country for professionals in the area of maintaining, upgrading, selecting designing and implementing computing infrastructures and Information communication technology products. Therefore, opening Information Technology in degree programs which encompasses, making every ICT resources available and make organizations to ensure the maximum ICT resources utilization; is the current and actually the ultimate demand of the country. Thus, the department will expand the program by:
In terms of faculty development and services, the department is pursuing on the following:
The following figure shows the development of student enrolment in regular and undergraduate program in the department.
Facilities Available
Beyond the University’s common facilities like library and class rooms, the department has 5 well equipped computer laboratories having internet connectivity.
Department Of Software Engineering
Software Engineering department has established in 2013/14 as new program under the college of computing and informatics and since then the department enrolled students and provide teaching learning activities. Currently, the department has a total of 28 staffs and 286 undergraduate students.
Mission of the Department
Software engineering (SE) is the application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the design, development, operation, and maintenance of software, and the study of these approaches; that is, the application of engineering to software. Our society relies on software based systems, with applications ranging from transportation, telecommunications, and avionics systems to systems used in government, business, banking and health. Software engineers ensure the timely and cost-effective delivery of reliable and efficient software systems that are being created by (often interdisciplinary) teams.
Program profile
Degree Nomenclature:
English: Bachelor of Science degree in Software Engineering
Amharic: የሳይንስ ባችለር ዲግሪ በሶፍትዌር ምኅንድስና
Admission Requirements
Admission requirements would be similar to the general institutional requirements. That is, the student should complete preparatory level education and the entry point is determined accordingly by the Ministry of Education for the regular students whereas the admission criteria for distance and continuing education program are as per the University’s requirement.
Duration of the Study
Students will not take different computing courses at their high school study. The nature of the disciplines needs many practical works considering the above facts, objectives, under normal circumstances, four years of study are required to complete the all programs.
Strategic Directions
The department focus on the following points:
Special Features of Learning at software engineering
Department’s Facilities
The department has established in 2011/12 when the university was established and currently the department enrolled students and provide teaching learning activities. Currently, the department has a total of 25 staffs and 350 undergraduate regular and 91 extension and weekend students and a total number of 441 students.
Mission Statement of the department
Vision of the Department
The vision of the Department is to serve students and the community through excellent learning programs, by conducting relevant and effective research and community engagement projects.
The Department commits itself to the achievement of academic excellence in the field of computer science. To this end, it offers various program ranging from undergraduate to doctoral level for the feature plan.
Our graduates will be in demand from industry and from higher education institutions all over Ethiopia and the world. It will be well recognized all over the world due to its many publications and due to the works of its centers of excellence. In line with its expansion procedures the college will strive to succeed the delivery of quality education, problem solving research undertakings and its community services.
Whatever your stage of education, we have the expertise to take you to the top. We are well established in the higher education market and have gained the reputation as a leader in computing.
Computer science deals with the theoretical foundations of information and computation. It is about using computers to solve problems effectively. Our graduates have a firm grasp of software, networks, computer architecture, formal methods, algorithms and data structures, databases, distributed services, virtualization, mobile computing and artificial intelligence. Skills learnt can be used in varied fields such as; business and finance, engineering, communications and the biological, physical and earth sciences.
Program profile
Degree Nomenclature:
Endlish: Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science
Amharic: በኮምፒዩተር ሳይንስ የሳይንስ ባችለር ዲግሪ
Admission Requirements
Admission requirements would be similar to the general institutional requirements. That is, the student should complete preparatory level education and the entry point is determined accordingly by the Ministry of Education for the regular students whereas the admission criteria for distance and continuing education program are as per the University’s requirement.
Duration of the Study
Students will not take different computing courses at their high school study. The nature of the disciplines needs many practical works considering the above facts, objectives, under normal circumstances, four years of study are required to complete the all programs.
Strategic Directions
The Department has focus on the following strategic directions:
Special Features of Learning Computer Science
Department’s Facilities
Department of Information Systems
About the department
The department was established in 2011/12 with three instructors and 25 students. Currently, the department has a total of 33 staffs and 343 undergraduate students.
The vision of the department is to serve students and the community through excellent learning programs, by conducting relevant and effective research and community engagement projects.
The Department commits itself to the achievement of academic excellence in the field of Information Systems.
Our graduates will be in demand from industry and from higher education institutions all over Ethiopia and the world. It will be well recognized all over the world due to its many publications and due to the works of its centers of excellence. In line with its expansion procedures the department will strive to succeed the delivery of quality education, problem solving research undertakings and its community services.
Whatever your stage of education, we have the expertise to take you to the top. We are well established in the higher education market and have gained the reputation as a leader in computing.
Information is increasingly becoming a key strategic resource for effective and sustainable development of any type of organization in the contemporary society. Recent advancements and applications of information systems and/or communication technologies have transformed the structure of the international and national economies, leading to new methods and practices in most institutions. Many Higher Learning Institutions in Ethiopia have also recognized this fact and introduced Information Systems study program in their curricula.
Program Objective
Graduates, in general, will specifically have the chance to have knowledge and understanding in the following major areas:
Major Practical Skills of the Graduates will be
Qualification in the Department
Degree Nomenclature
English - Bachelor of Science Degree in Information Systems
Amharic - የሳይንስ ባችለር ዲግሪ በኢንፎርሜሽን ሲስተምስ
Strategic Directions
The departments those focus on the following:
Special Features of Learning
About the College
The college was established in 2011/12 with three departments (Computer Science, Information Technology and Information Systems) and department of Software Engineering was opened in 2013/14. Currently, the college has a total of 130 staffs and 1429 undergraduate students.
The vision of the College is to serve students and the community through excellent learning programs, by conducting relevant and effective research and community engagement projects.
The College commits itself to the achievement of academic excellence in the field of computing and informatics. Our graduates are in big demand from industry and from higher education institutions throughout the country. The college is well recognized in the country due to the performance of its graduates in their area of work. The college will always strive to succeed the delivery of quality education, problem solving research undertakings and community services.
Whatever your stage of education, we have the expertise to take you to the top. We are well established in the higher education market and have gained the reputation as a leader in computing.
Strategic Directions
The four departments of the college focus on the following strategic directions:-:
Special Features of Learning at CCI
Mr. Korabza Shewarega
Dean, College of Computing and Informatics
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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Phone :
Office: +251113220015
Mobile: +251911927842
Pobox: 07
Wolkite, Ethiopia