Ayele  Hailu

Ayele Hailu

Mathematics - Lecturer

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  • biography: -

I am Born in Arsii Robe at 03/03/1987GC. So I finished High school in Didea preparatory school at Robe, then I attend my first degree in University of Gonder in Mathematics department and graduated 2008GC.

I start my work as assistance lecturer in Aksum University, in 2009, then after I take second degree in Addis Ababa University with the field of Mathematics (Algebra Stream) on February 06, 2013. I teach at Debre Markos University for two year at the position of lecturer, and then I came to Wolkite University in October 9, 2015 GC. Know I have great role in Mathematics Department of Wolkite University, by teaching, participating in research and community service.

In Addition to this I have different skills some of these are:

         - Computer skill (Latex software, Math lab software, and others)

              - Language skill ( Speaking, writing and reading four language these are Amharic, Afaan Oromo, Guraginga and English)


Research interest:-


Research area

Detail explanation


Lattice Theory

Appling lattice theory specially, Lattice ordered group


Abstract Algebra

Group, Ring and field theory


Mathematics Education



Article/journal/book/chapter publication



Article/journal/book/chapter name  

Web Link


Problem-Based Learning and Conceptual Understanding of College Female Students in Physics
