Educational background
Bsc degree in Applied Chemistry from University of Gondar, 2010
Msc degree in Organic Chemistry from University of Gondar, 2012.
Research interests:
Natural Product chemistry (phytochemistry) particularly those derived from medicinal plants, marine organisms and fungal sources. Organic synthesis of complex biologically active natural products, the development of new and total synthesis of natural products, and development of new synthetic methodology for herbal drug standardization and quality control, bioactive natural product synthesis, nanochemistry, medicinal chemistry, green organic chemistry
Ongoing research:
ErmiasTamiru, TesfayeWolde
In the present investigation antimicrobial activity of neem (Azadirachtaindica) plant essential oils have been evaluated .After bioassays, most of the essential oils were found susceptible to both bacteria Xanthomonascampestrispv. musacearum (Xcm) and fungi pathogens of enset plant i.eFusariumoxysporum. Present study reveals significantly higher broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity in essential oils than antibiotics i.e.,tetracycline.
EjiguBayu,ErmiasTamiru and TadessuHailu
The present study is designed with the objective of undergoing phytochemical screening, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of selected varieties of enset (Enseteventricosumwelw) chessman used for various traditional medicinal purposes.