Berhanu  Abebaw

Berhanu Abebaw

Public Health - lecturer

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P: 0928506325


My background is Public Health officer. I have awarded master of Public Health Nutrition    at Haramaya University. Currently I am lecturer of Nutrition and SRH at Wolkite University. I have been also involved in the research and community service activities. I have more than three years of experience in teaching and research activities.


Research interest:-



Research area

Detail explanation 


Child Health

I am interested to know factors related to the SAM, low iodine utilization, and their approaches and strategies for improving child health.


Adolescent and Maternal Health

Very eager to come up with the determinants of stunting among adolescents and improve the approaches and interventions. Exploring the factors that can lead to a deficiency state (iron, iodine…) of mothers and improving the strategies.


Geriatrics (aged people)  health

Identifying the factors responsible for the nutritional status of the neglected (geriatric) people and come up with possible interventions and strategies.

Ongoing research




Detail explanation

Working area and finishes d date



Adherence to Iron and folic acid supplementation among pregnant women attending ANC service, in public health facilities of Debre Markos town, Ethiopia

Under review


Nutritional status and intestinal parasitosis among school age children, Guraghe zone, Ethiopia

Under review


Magnitude of under nutrition among pediatric children living with HIV/AIDS at Public health facilities of Harar and Dire Dawa city Administration, Ethiopia

Under review