College of Natural and Computational Sciences


College of Natural and Computational Science was launched at the 1st establishment of Wolkite University in 2004 E.C. The college, one of the first colleges in wolkite University then, had only two departments, known as Biology and Physics.

The College of Natural and Computational Sciences in its more than 6 years of establishment has gone through various stages of development. Currently, the College encompasses seven departments offering undergraduate degrees.

The objectives of undergraduate program in science are:-

  1. Produce skilled and well-trained manpower who are capable of taking up positions in the growing demand of the various sectors of the economy such as various industries, and learning institutions, research institutions, as well as various environmental conservation endeavors of  the country;
  2. Disseminate knowledge in science and related areas through active participation in related professional activities, such as Regional Networking, Workshops, Symposia and Publications;
  3. Develop capabilities for the provision of consultancy and technical services as well as short term specialized training to both public and private sectors.

Lists Departments, of the College

  • Biology Department
  • Biotechnology Department.
  • Chemistry Department
  • Mathematics Department
  • Physics Department
  • Sport science Department

Statistics Department

The College of Natural and Computational Sciences currently have more than 1490 undergraduate students (1140 in regular and 350 in summer program)

In 2011 E.C. the college plans to launch MSc program and increase the number of student. The college performs the tasks that are given by the university to achieve the vision and mission of the university in particular and the country at large.


The College of Natural and Computational Sciences envisions, WKU being one of the best ten Universities in East Africa by 2035.


  • To prepare knowledgeable, skilled, practically innovative and attitudinally mature graduates
  • To supply relevant and demanded technology and knowledge that address national and community level development problems to help make operations of the government and non government organizations efficient, effective competitive.
  • To provide training and consulting services to community and government 

Core Values:

  • Excellence
  • Inclusiveness
  • Truth and Integrity
  • Being a learning organization
  • Accountability
  • Academic freedom

 Teaching learning Core process

Since the main objective of establishing universities throughout the country is to transfer knowledge. College of natural and computational science works for Excellency in teaching learning process. Based on the policy of Ministry of education the college begins to implement modular approaches in 2005 E. C. Students are evaluated through continuous assessment to get their weakness area and remedial action is given. To make the teaching learning process practical, the college tries to establish laboratory class and currently our laboratory satisfied more than 90% of our needs of practical Section.

 Research and Community service

One of mission of higher institutes is developing a problem solving research. In this regard the college has done more than 40 research works so far. College’s weekly seminar presentations have boundless role in promoting the research habit of the staff members and students. In the last seminar presentation, students were participated. In the near future the college plan to conduct many researches that solve the basic problem of the community.

 Regarding community service, staff members give Tutorial service for different high school students, organizing laboratory different high school in Gurage zone.

Lists Department of College







        Sport Science

Contact person 


Dean,College of Natural and Computational Sciences,

Tel: mobile 

       office    +251113220046



College of Natural and Computational Sciences,

Department of Mathematics,Wolkite,Ethiopia

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