Department of Information Systems

About the department

The department was established in 2011/12 with three instructors and 25 students. Currently, the department has a total of 33 staffs and 343 undergraduate students. 

The vision of the department is to serve students and the community through excellent learning programs, by conducting relevant and effective research and community engagement projects.

The Department commits itself to the achievement of academic excellence in the field of Information Systems.

Our graduates will be in demand from industry and from higher education institutions all over Ethiopia and the world. It will be well recognized all over the world due to its many publications and due to the works of its centers of excellence. In line with its expansion procedures the department will strive to succeed the delivery of quality education, problem solving research undertakings and its community services.

Whatever your stage of education, we have the expertise to take you to the top. We are well established in the higher education market and have gained the reputation as a leader in computing.


Information is increasingly becoming a key strategic resource for effective and sustainable development of any type of organization in the contemporary society. Recent advancements and applications of information systems and/or communication technologies have transformed the structure of the international and national economies, leading to new methods and practices in most institutions. Many Higher Learning Institutions in Ethiopia have also recognized this fact and introduced Information Systems study program in their curricula.

Program Objective

Graduates, in general, will specifically have the chance to have knowledge and understanding in the following major areas:

  • Produce qualified and competent man power in the field of Information Systems.
  • Graduates, in general, will specifically have the chance to have knowledge and understanding in the following major areas:
  • Theoretical background on the functionalities of computer and application of computer to businesses
  • Theories, principles, processes and techniques of organization, storage, retrieval, dissemination and utilization of all forms of information;
  • Understanding of computers and communication systems, including basic software engineering, network design, database development, implementation and management;
  • Knowledge of organizational behaviors and different organizational principles;
  • Various types of academic and business information resources, systems and services;
  • Knowledge of basic principles of ICT-based business information processing techniques;
  • Theories, practices and principles of information systems analysis, design, development and management in the business environment;
  • Principles and different approaches of computer programming and algorithm development to solve real world problems;
  • Theories, practices and principles of business process engineering in a creative manner to solve information related problem of businesses and organizations.

Major Practical Skills of the Graduates will be

  • To be able to write high and middle level computer programs using different technologies to solve information related problems like storage, retrieval and management of information.
  • To design, implement and evaluate various information systems and multimedia resources including the internet;
  • To manage business information systems and services (organization and retrieval of business information);
  • To manage and actively participate in information system development projects;
  • To analyze, design, develop, manage and evaluate business information systems from different perspectives;
  • To provide information system/technology consultancy services;
  • To solve problems in business enterprises through application of information communication technology and development of decision support information systems;
  • To plan and execute projects related to information systems development and resources and services;

Qualification in the Department

 Degree Nomenclature

              English - Bachelor of Science Degree in Information Systems

             Amharic - የሳይንስ ባችለር ዲግሪ በኢንፎርሜሽን ሲስተምስ

Strategic Directions

The departments those focus on the following:

  1. ICT services include laboratory service
  2. Software Development and Innovations
  3. Finance and External Linkage
  4. Research and Community Service
  5. Human Resource Development both in number and upgrading
  6. Academic Programs and Quality Assurance.

Special Features of Learning

  • Promoting an interactive atmosphere with follows students and lecturers.
  • Excellent level of academic support.
  • Continuous assessment system used throughout all programs in order to better prepare for end of semester final examinations by learning in a progressive manner.
  • Career-based programs aligned closely with developments and changes in the IT global industry.
  • After-car academic tutorial support provided by lecturers outside regular class time.
  • Class demonstrators used in practical lectures to help more students understand lab demonstrations.


  • Fully wireless and wired Internet access.
  • Fully equipped computer laboratories.
  • Access to a PC and Laptop computers for all academic staffs.
  • Access teaching materials on local ftp server.


  • Mr. Worku Muluye
  • Head, Department of Information Systems
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Mobile: +251910323274 
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