Birhanu  Tsegaye

Birhanu Tsegaye

Horticulture - Lecturer

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Birhanu Tsegaye, was born in 1991 at Assela town, Arsi Zone, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia. He started elementary education at Assela Edeget Besera Primary School (1998-2005). He pursued secondary education in Assela at Chilalo Secondary School from 2006-2007 and at Assela Preparatory School from 2008-2009. He joined Mada Walabu University in 2010 and graduated with the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Plant Sciences in July 2012. He joined the School of Graduate Studies of Haramaya University in 2012 to pursue a study leading to the Degree Master of Sciences in Agriculture (Horticulture). Currently, he is being employed by Wolkite University, Ethiopia, under the college of Agriculture and Natural Resource Management, department of Horticulture from March, 2015 up to now as a lecturer and community based researcher.

Research interest:-


Research area

Detail explanation


Improving the quality and productivity of Horticultural crops

I am interested to undertake research on methods of improving the productivity of selected horticultural crops which are of majorly produced in Gurage area (i.e, enset, coffee, potato, sweet potato, pepper, onion, and etc.). as well also on the adoption of promising Horticultural crops to Gurage zone.


Improving and maintaining the quality of some selected Horticultural crops

conducting experiments on the quality aspect of selected horticultural crops which are of mainly produced in Gurage zone. beside to this, I am greatly interested to conducted field and laboratory experiments on up to date production technologies with other organizations.


Post-harvest handling methods for increased shelf life and maintaining the quality of Horticultural crops

I would like to conduct field and laboratory experiments on the different post-harvest handling methods and techniques, loss, and quality aspects of major Horticultural crops produced in Gurage zone (vegetables, root and tuber crops and fruit crops).

Ongoing research/ community/ project


Ongoing research

Detail explanation

Working area and date of completion



Collection, evaluation, characterization and

maintenance of

Gurage coffee (Coffea arabica) germplasm

This experimental trial is aimed at to select better adaptable CBD resistant selections out of the released ones for immediate utilization in Guraghe zone, to develop high yielding, high quality and coffee berry and wilt disease resistant varieties, and to collect and conserve coffee germplasm for future research work.

The experiment is being conducted at three sites i.e., Deche, Ferezye and Wabe which are located in Enemore ena Ener, Cheha and Abeshige, respectively. potential coffee producing  districts in Gurage zone. it is expected to be completed at the end of 2011 E.C


Performance  Evaluation of Banana (Mussa spp.) Varities In Abeshge District, Guraghe Zone, Ethiopia

To test the adaptability and yielding ability of released banana varieties to Abeshge district. to select at least one better adaptable banana variety for further experiment.

The research is being conducted in abeshige district of gurage zone. it is expected be completed by 2010 E.C

Ongoing community project


Improving The Production And Productivity of Coffee (Coffea arabica) In Gurage Zone Through Climate Smart Approach

This project is initiated to enhance coffee production with integral climate smart approach to increase the yield and quality of coffee year after year through sustaining the ecology of the area to fetch premium price from the coffee sub-sector.

There are two selected coffee seedling raising sites at cheha and egzha districts and wabe was selected for shade tree seedling raising. this project is expected to be completed by the end of 2010 E.C


Seed multiplication and dissemination of improved bread wheat variety (alidoro) in cheha district

This community project is initiated to address the problem of the farmer to produce improved bread wheat variety. thus, improved bread wheat variety (alidoro) is being multiplied and be disseminated to beneficiary farmers   

The project/seed multiplication is conducted in cheha district. the project is expected to be completed by the end of 2010E.C