Fikrte  Woldyes

Fikrte Woldyes

Horticulture - Lecturer

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P: 0931635931


    The instructer was born in debrebrihan north shewa zone,amhara region in 1982E.c She completed primery school at atsezeryacob school secondary at debrebirhan secondary school and preparatory school in 2000E.c Then She joind her bachelor degree in plant science at wollo university and graduated in 2003E.c up on graduation she was imployed by MOE at madda walabu university as assistance lecturer and served as one year in 2004E.c. Then she was pursved her master of science in horticulture at haremaya university in 2005E.c. And graduated in 2007E.c. Then she served three years as lectuerer at medda walabu university from 2007E.c to 2009E.c and 2010E.c transferred to wolkite university and now working as lecturer in horticulture department.       

Research Interst:-

post harvest handiling techinologies

Detail  Explanation:-

cost effective and new post harvest  handiling  technologies  for hoticulural  freshly harvested produces for maintaining quality and extending shlf  life.


Article /journal/ chapter publication




Article/journal/book/chapter  web link name

Web Link


Influence of low storage tempratuer and gibberellic acid treatments on growth and yield of garlic (allium sativum1)


Emergence of garlic(allium sativum 2) asinfluenced by low storage temperature and gibberellic acid treatments.