Warga  Chegeno

Warga Chegeno

Physics - Lecturer

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P: 0913295332

             Biography: -

Born on June 01, 1985 at Agena, Ethiopia.  Went to Yesray  elementary school at the age of six. Attend grade ten and nine at Agena secondary school and then Emdibr Compressive secondary school to accomplish high school education. Attend bachelor degree program at Haramaya University from December, 2005 to July, 2007. Employed at Shashogo Secondary School, Shashogo, Ethiopia on August,  2007.  Then proceeded to Wellega University, Ethiopia and worked from 2008 to 2014 including graduate program Study at Addis Ababa University Department of Physics with specialization on Statistical Physics. From November 09, 2014 is staff at Physics department Wolkite University, Ethiopia.

Deliver many Physics and related courses to undergraduate physics, chemistry, and mathematics and Geology department students.  Established  physics laboratory with working manual to the students. Played big roles on designing and running community service program that Wolkite University is offering to the society around especially on the school enhancement side.  

Research interest:-


Research area

Detail explanation



Working on efficiency of material/ system for energy production, transmission and storage focused on green energy technology.



Molecular dynamics


Dynamics of system 

Particle transport model for the study of interacting system on a biological system and environmental  safeguard


Journal publication

  1. Mulugeta B. Tolosa A. Mekuannet  A.  Warga Ch. Efficiency, Power and Period of a model quantum heat engine working in a finite time. APS , 2016, V16

Ongoing community project

  1. Teaching Workshop and Seminar for the enhancement of quality education on high school.