Mohammed  Derese

Mohammed Derese

Statistics - Lecturer

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P: 0910071392


I received a B.A. degree from Mada Walabu University in Applied Statistics in 20003 E.C and Master Degree from Gonder University in biostatistics in 2006 E.C.  Currently I am teaching Statistics courses in Wolkite University. My strong affiliation of hands-on inquiry-based learning, my professional interests focus on teaching, doing research on different thematic area, and cooperative learning and I was involved in to two different research area sponsored by my university in 2009 e c.

Research interest:-


Research area

Detail explanation 


Application of statistics for biological data

It deals with applying appropriate statistical methods in accordance with data properties and nature  to extract relevant information for the purpose of drawing conclusion ,recommendation and for remedial action.


Statistical models for qualitative data

In statistics qualitative data are not directly measured rather without losing any information we apply suitable models to inquire the facts behind that data. Non-linear model is well known statistical models to overcome such problems.