Mebratu   Demissie

Mebratu Demissie

Midwifery - Lecturer

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P: 0989803803

Educational background:   MSc in Clinical Midwifery Graduated from Bahirdar University on 27/12/2020 G.C

Contacts  https/

Research area:   Maternal and child health

List of publication:

1.Prevalence of early postnatal care services usage and associated factors among postnatal women of Wolkite town, Gurage zone, Southern Ethiopia: a community-based cross-sectional study

2.Unintended Pregnancy and Associated Factors Among Women Attending Antenatal Care in Public Hospitals During COVID-19 Pandemic, Southwest Ethiopia: A Cross-Sectional Study

3.Early Baby Bathing Practice and its Associated Factors Among Mothers who Give Birth in the Past One Month in Gurage Zone, Ethiopia, 2022

4. Magnitude and factors associated with iron supplementation among pregnant women in Southern and Eastern Regions of Ethiopia: Further Analysis of mini demographic and health survey 2019

5. Early Neonatal sepsis and associated factors among preterm neonates